“Letting the Moment Decide”

“Letting the Moment Decide”

by Jacqualine Haller

Founder & Director of Jaya Yoga Toronto, voice/creator of Jaya Meditation, The Global OM Movement.

As I begin my leave of absence, I decided to use September as a transition month and take the gift of time given to me, to commit to my meditation practice in a different way, re-connect with my yoga studio and my truly inspiring students who I love dearly.  I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my time and help with my transition.  After all, I am going from a 24/7 corporate operation to my little boutique yoga studio and meditation practice.  A different feel to the day, entirely!

Many people signed up, as far west as BC and as far south as Australia, and as close as my beautiful students who have been with me from the beginning of opening my studio (or relatively close to that time).  New students signed up too, people I am excited to share this journey with.  I truly feel that I am in love with all beautiful souls that are with me.  Souls, who, when it’s time to offer one moment of gratitude during the class, are offering gratitude for me as I am quietly offering gratitude for them, their presence and participation.  A moment like this is connectivity with the collective in a way that surpasses culture, ethnicity and religious preferences.  Any perceived differences we may have been taught exist, have no place here.

We are all one, sharing in the quiet calming energy of the space we are all holding for each other.

All my worries about the sound quality for the live link quickly dissipate.  We can start to hear the birds chirp in the large tree outside the window, and the morning traffic start to spool up with the rush of cars going by.  The sun starts to rise, and the room fills will the warm morning sun.  And there we are together, observing, noticing, enjoying.  40-minutes went by so quickly and we were finished when it just felt like we started.  It went by faster than anyone expected, and it was over before we knew it.  40-minutes in a meditative state is not a very long period of time, and the only way to know that truth is to experience it.  Typically, my classes run for an hour and sometimes students comment even that is too short, so 40-minutes was quick by comparison.

And as I walked back home, for what will turn out to be day 4 of my leave, I am in a state of joy, calm and happiness about what the day will bring.  The area of Toronto that I live in is a community of businesspeople and small families.  I encounter women and men in suits heading to the subway, a car alarm is going off somewhere loudly and since it’s the first day back-to-school, there are children everywhere waiting for their bus.

This is the exact morning vibration that I have participated in for at least 20-years of my life.

Except for today.

Today I am open and remain available to a different experience; I will let the moment decide. Today, unlike any other day, instead of planning and organizing my day to the point that I am on autopilot, I will let the moment decide.

These are simple morning guided meditation that anyone can do.  Students can join anytime. Register and receive the LIVE links and join me from the comfort of your own home or wherever you are, in any time zone.  Registration at www.jacqualinehaller.com or www.jayayoga.ca


Jacqualine (Jaya!)

Listen to my AUDIO BLOG by clicking HERE!