We are so happy you could be a part of our Group here at WestPark. We really enjoyed the lesson. We would love to have you back. Thank you again! Namaste.
Thank you, thank you for your calming, centring meditation series. Until I started joining in on your meditation series this week. I haven’t missed one. It is now in my sketchy schedule I have for myself, now in isolation. But above all, it has led me each time into my own yoga practice. Starting with your video, I am already on the floor, and after your voice finishes, I begin to flow. I go where I am led, and it is in my comfort zone. What I have wanted to set up for myself for 40 years has finally been put into action, spurred on by COVID-19 and Jacqualine at Jaya. I wanted you to know how grateful I am for your generosity during this difficult time. You are certainly “doing your part” for all. With sincere thanks. Namaste
Thank you so very much for this Meditation, Jacqualine! It was beautiful, calming strengthening – just what I need right now.
Thank you so much for guiding us. It was so beneficial. Some days I needed to listen twice, and then again first thing in the morning. It always manages to guide me, calm me and focus me.
I wanted to tell you how powerful your meditation is. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. It truly feels like a gift. I can’t begin to explain to you how great it is to have this space. Your voice is just so soothing and the length is great for us busy parents who don’t get too much time to focus just on us. Thank you.
LOVED the Meditation today. I wished it was an hour long.
Thank you for the free meditation. It was so beautiful and I have signed up for the next session. Appreciate you Jacqualine. So much to absorb in these unsettling times but moving forward if we all do our part we will get through this, especially with your beautiful words as you guide us through the next session.
It has been lovely to have a moment of stillness, to stop and be present. Amongst the chaos there is community, a global rising in togetherness. Looking forward to the next session.
I am loving your current meditation series. The short quick hit really suits my lifestyle. What I find you’re offering is little tips (based on yoga) for a better, more integrated, fulfilling meaningful life. I love it and hope you continue with an abbreviated format like that.
Thank you for offering this. Now, people need it more then ever.
I love the way you tell people to let the outside noise be, and just relax.
These sessions have meant more to me then I can put down in words. I want you to know that you have helped me through a difficult time and made a difference in my life. I look forward to joining again on another series.
I loved today’s practice. Wow. Such beautiful words. All of them. Thanks for your guidance. I can’t thank you enough.