“My thank you, to Deva Premal”

“My thank you to Deva Premal” ~ by Jacqualine Haller

Founder & Director of Jaya Yoga Centre and voice/creator of Jaya Meditation and The Global OM Movement. 

As most of you know by now, I am the visionary behind “The Global OM Movement.” I invite “OM’s” from people around the world who understand and appreciate the benefits of meditation in their lives and have an active practice in some form.  The contribution of their “OM” is attached to one of my meditation CDs in an effort to highlight the importance and benefits of mindful behavior in the world, our global community.

Each time I ask someone for an “OM” and each time it has been gifted to me, my gift back includes multiple things, but most importantly, it includes a physical copy of the CD they contributed to.  Something, I personally like to hand-deliver to them.  I have been lucky enough to do that with each contributor so far.

I want to share with you what it was like for me when I gave Deva Premal her copy.

Deva Premal contributed the sound of her “OM” to my Guided Meditation album titled “Calm.”  This is the 6th album in the Jaya Meditation Collection and was released this week.  Deva offered up her OM with all her love and momentum. I remember receiving it, like it was yesterday. I had just flown home from a week in Costa Rica to celebrate my 44th birthday, and as I am about to end my evening, her response came through. Imagine trying to fall asleep after that.

The album was produced a few months later, and I told her that I would be coming to her performance in Toronto to thank her in person and give her a copy.

With a thank you note intact, the CD and a small gift, I made my way to the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Toronto Canada.

When I got through the front door, I discover that I had purchased two tickets by accident. I was just a few rows away from the front. The lovely lady who was in the seat next to my spare seat was also quite elated as we were able to put our elbows, purses and bags between us. Business Class, Kirtan style.

The evening performance ended.  Some people stay and some leave. The evening was progressing, and I had to be up at 5am to teach my 30-Day Meditation Challenge class. Everyone is mingling with friends and catching up. I’m standing there feeling slightly awkward and we are getting closer to midnight. I see the crew cleaning up, and I start to think that I should pass my gift bag to them and ask them to deliver it to her.

Then my eye catches one of my teachers that used to teach at Jaya Yoga Centre. She too was waiting to speak with Deva. I tell her that I’m not sure I can wait much longer and that I was thinking of giving the gift bag to one of the volunteers.

She then points out that Deva is already off the stage and amongst our little crowd.

While I have been to many of Deva’s performances, I have never met her in person.  She has been that soft voice playing in the background to some of my classes, and her version of the Mantra “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu” was my morning chant during a challenging time recently.

But in person, this was a first.

There are two people in front of me. Through them I can see her face, and all the ideas and images that I had created about her in my mind from the last 13-years were manifesting in physical form. Goodness, I had so much mental chatter going on. What should I say?  What shouldn’t I say?

It’s finally my turn. I manage to mumble out something about a thank you.  There was no grace about it.  As I stumbled to find what I want to say, she simply comes towards me and hugs me. No need for words.

I am deeply grateful to Deva Premal.  I am also thankful to George and Wendy, two of my long-time students for being there with me and for me.  And thank you to Karen who was perfectly available at that moment to guide me away from leaving prematurely.

Deva is about to release a brand-new Album titled “Deva ~by Deva Premal” on October 12th.  It is currently available for pre-order through her website at www.devapremalmiten.com or iTunes.  I would recommend purchasing any of her Albums.  

What is the meaning of the Mantra “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu”

“May all beings be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for all.”


Jacqualine (Jaya)